Countryside Studies Technical Diploma Level 2 | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

This course offers you a great opportunity to develop core, practical conservation and countryside management skills and gain an understanding of the principles of countryside and environmental management.

Topics may include:

  • Ecology
  • Working in land and wildlife industries
  • Countryside interpretation
  • Work experience
  • Land-based machinery
  • British habitats

This course is delivered through classroom-based lessons, practical sessions and tutorials.

Assessment Methods

You will be assessed by examinations, online tests, practical assessments, written assignments, presentations and projects.

Progression Options

On successful completion you could progress to the Level 3 Diploma Countryside Management at the College.

With further practical experience, you could find employment as a craftsman within the sector. Opportunities exist within private estates, the National Trust, nature reserves, Government and non-Government organisations, charities, contractors and possibly self-employment.

Course Summary

Course Title Countryside Studies Technical Diploma Level 2
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 2 (A* to E) range including English and maths
or a Level 1 qualification. Course entry is subject to an initial assessment in
English and maths in order to determine the appropriate level of study, and
a successful interview is required.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


Meeting new people and making friends is a big part of why college is so enjoyable. My advice would be to choose a course you know you’ll enjoy and think about the career you want to pursue.

Jamie Elson

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